Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Week 1

Hi all,

Today I have taken for the first time a look at dream weaver tutorials

on YouTube. Because I have never built a website from scratch I am very

nervous and excited over this project. I have got a feeling that it is

going to be a while until I start building my website.:)

I have stumbled over some tutorials on how to build websites

you should all check it out!

Week 2

After hours of tutorials last week I feel that I am still don't have

enough information to start my own one, so I will take some more time

to get familiar with dream weaver and watch some more tutorials.

Also today I have actually opened up Dreamweaver and typed hello in

the design view and opened the split screen view and looked a bit at the

code just to get a bit more friendly with the navigations and the code.

Week 3

I feel like I am stressing too much. I am reading all this stuff about the

HTML language and I can honestly say it sounds all French to me.(no offense):)

Because I come from a gaming background I feel that it was easier for me to

understand c# than HTML. Is it maybe because I forgot what it was like with

learning c#? Don't know. I think I will get back to the tutorials for a little

bit longer.

Week 4

Its midway through week 4 and I haven't even started. Although I didn't make a

start yet it was well worth watching all that tutorials it's made me a lot

more comfortable and familiar with the software. Never the less it was time to

make a start. Today I have started looking at different web layouts of really

any website out there from Google and its interface to you name it.

What I was trying to do is to get some inspiration and an idea on how I want my

first website to look like.

Week 5

I have started on my web layout. The website that I am building will be for an

online t-shirt shop. I was trying to do an ornament looking thing that is going

to be my website decorations. It was a lot of work but of course fun work to get

the art style right for the website. Now I have kind of the background idea on the


Week 6

It is week 6 and I am still practically at the planning stage. I have done some

graphics for the background and I am pleased with it.

I think the next logical step for me is to build the navigation buttons in Photoshop and try what

works the best with my design horizontal or vertical navigation. I think it would also

be very helpful to make an navigation bar diagram of some kind so I don't forget

what I wanted to make because I want to have my fashion portfolio tab to split up

in to two new tabs that are men fashion and women's fashion just because it would

look better and also it will save me some space on the navigation bar.

Week 7

I have finished the interface design for my website and it looks great. A lot of

fluro colors with a black background it looks awesome.:) I am a little bit concerned

about the navigation bar. My navigation bar runs across the whole page and it looks

terrible. I don't think it is meant to be like that. I think I have to rethink my idea

with the navigation bar maybe scaling it down a bit and centering it would help.

essentially I want to have a border around my content and navigation.

Week 8

With only about 4 weeks to go I really don't have time to experiment anymore. I have

centered my tabs like I mentioned in the previous post and it looks a lot better I am

pleased with what it looks like at this stage. It is time for me to begin working with

Dreamweaver. With a little bit of my own skill, a little bit of common sense and with

the help of tutorials I should be able to do my website.

Week 9

All week I am working on my website in Dreamweaver. I have gotten quiet comfortable with

it. A this stage I have created an index page and made an container box for my content.

The container is necessary because it will restrain the content to the box. I have made

the container box into a absolute position so when scaling the browser window the content

is equally spread from both sides and the text will always stay in the center.

The next step was to make my page scroll with the content because I don't have a lot of

text but also because I want to show off my art to the viewer.

Week 10

Now I am at the stage to create my sub pages. I have created a main page and made it into a

template main.mwt and than created my sub pages out of that. Once you got that main template

it is easy to create the rest of the pages by simply changing the content.

Week 11

Now that i have done all of that my site needs some kind of a gallery.

Ii have found a tutorial on that topic at They suggested a plugin for Dreamweaver

called thickbox. I have installed the plugin and the gallery was on my site as easy as a click

of a button. That hasn't taken me long to do so I did the contact form with the help of another tutorial. The contact form was a function already imbedded into Dreamweaver and that also didn't require any kind of coding.

I have realized that it was a slow process in the beginning but as i got more comfortable with

the software I caught up with the time.

In general I am pleased with my first website in Dreamweaver CS5.

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